accept, manage and settle in crypto assets
Safina pay
We took the best from the centralized financial
and decentralized worlds
Signature Approval Mechanism
Mechanism for obtaining reports and details on each transaction
The ability to check the availability of funds on the account directly bypassing the bank
High speed of payments (cross-border transfers)
Budget assignment classifier
Register of account holders (list of wallets)
Verification and identification (KYC and KYB)
Safina Pay is a reliable way to easily accept payments in the most popular cryptocurrencies
Online schools
Sell information products to users around the world offline
No one takes over the processing of your project? We will solve your problem!
High-risk projects
Connect the possibility of buying digital goods using cryptocurrency
Game services
Increase your conversion by adding an additional popular payment method
Online shopping
Online Services
Accept payment for the provision of services or the sale of a subscription to a service
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our manager will contact you
2024 © Safina
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050044, Almaty, Bostandyq district, 65 Baishishek st