License agreement (Offer)

on the use of the Safina mobile app

This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is a public offer - an official offer from Oris Lab LLP (BIN 130640019840), addressed to any individual with full legal capacity (i.e., has reached the age of 18 years) who governs the relationship arising between the User and Oris Lab LLP (Oris Lab) and determines the terms of use of the Safina mobile application.

1. General provisions

1.1. The Agreement is concluded on the basis of the User’s full and unconditional consent to enter into an agreement (acceptance) by familiarizing the User with the terms of the Agreement, performing implied actions by the User and clicking the “I agree to the terms of the License Agreement” button. The text of this Agreement, as well as other additional information, is available on the website: or in the mobile application.
1.2. The agreement concluded by accepting this offer (concluding an agreement via information technology remotely) is regulated by the norms of civil law, since its terms are defined in this Agreement and can be accepted by any person only by joining the proposed Agreement as a whole without any exceptions and restrictions. In connection with the above, Oris Lab recommends that you carefully read the text of this Agreement, and in case of disagreement with any provision, invites you to refuse to accept the offer.
1.3. Acceptance of this offer, and accordingly, the conclusion of this Agreement means that the User agrees that the use of the mobile application entails completing the registration procedure, including automatically, and also agrees to receive letters and messages from Oris Lab, including of an advertising nature.

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1. This Agreement defines how the Safina mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the Application) should be used and is applicable to all Users who use the Application in any way, including the functionality of the Application. By using the Application, the User confirms that he has read, understood and agrees to be bound by the terms of the Agreement.
2.2. Oris Lab, free of charge, under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, grants the User a non-transferable right to use the software that ensures the functioning of the Application in the following ways:
  • in the ways provided for in this Agreement. The User guarantees that he will not use the Application in violation of the requirements of current legislation, the terms of this Agreement, in order to cause harm to Oris Lab, other Users and/or third parties;
  • use of the Application must be carried out for its intended functional purpose, for which the User must install the Application on his mobile device.
2.3. Any dispute, claim or petition in any way relating to the use of the Application will be considered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.4. Oris Lab please note that this Agreement may be modified by Oris Lab at its sole discretion at any time. If changes are made, Oris Lab undertakes to post a new version of the Agreement through the Application. Also, the “Last Updated Date” line at the top of the Agreement will be updated. Continued use of the Application by the User after changes to the Agreement will constitute acceptance of the changes.

3. Terms of use of the Application

3.1. In order to be able to use the functionality of the Application, the User must create and register his account, which includes, among other things, an access code - email address (login), an associated password for access to the services of the Application, and also with which the User’s personal data will be associated (“Profile”) User"). A User's Profile may also be associated with a specific mobile phone number of the User ("Device").
3.2. The application should be used under the name: "Safina". The User does not have the right to change and/or delete the name of the Application, the copyright symbol or other indications of the owner, copyright holder.
3.3. Use of the Application is permitted only in the ways provided for in this Agreement.
3.4. The User reports the presence of errors or malfunctions that arose during the use of the Application services to the Support Service.
3.5. Depending on the User's region, all or some functions of the Service may be unavailable or limited. The use of any technical or software methods to circumvent these restrictions is prohibited.
3.6. To ensure that the Application continues to provide the greatest benefit to Users, and to address bugs and other technological changes, Oris Lab may offer updates to the Application after it has been downloaded by the User. These updates are available to Application Users through the Apple App Store or Google Play. Oris Lab does not require you to install any available updates in order to continue to use the Application, however, in order for the Application to function correctly, it recommends using updated versions.

4. User registration and authorization

4.1. Use of the Application Services is possible only subject to the User's registration in the Application and authorization in the Application in accordance with this Agreement.
4.2. To Register the User in the Application, the User independently uploads (downloads) the Safina mobile application to the Device using the AppStore ( and/or Google Play ( application stores on the Internet.
4.3. When using the Application, in some cases, Oris Lab may require the User to fill out a questionnaire to obtain additional information in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.
4.4. If the User, during registration or upon request (demand) of Oris Lab, provides inaccurate information, or if Oris Lab has reason to believe that the information provided by the User is unreliable, Oris Lab has the right, at its discretion, to unilaterally block the User’s access to use the Application or certain Application services.
4.5. The User undertakes to keep confidential the login and password, as well as other data through which access to the Application Services can be obtained on behalf of the User. In case of loss of login, password, or if there is reason to believe that this data (as well as other data) has been acquired by a third party, the User is obliged, using the contact information specified during registration, to submit a request to Oris Lab (by contacting the Support Service) about blocking access to your personal account. A request to block access to your personal account is considered by Oris Lab within 3 (three) hours from the moment the request is sent. All risks arising from failure to fulfill this obligation by the User lie with the User.

5. Providing access

5.1. The Application is generally available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, Oris Lab does not guarantee that the Application services will be free from errors and interruptions for a specified period of time. Oris Lab reserves the right to temporarily remove access to services using the Application for routine maintenance, service and upgrades. Oris Lab will make every reasonable effort to notify the User in advance of any scheduled maintenance, but cannot guarantee that such notice will be delivered to the User in a timely manner. The Application's services depend on services provided by third parties (e.g. mobile operators, suppliers, banks). Oris Lab is not responsible for such services provided by third parties.

6. Disclaimer

6.1. Oris Lab is exempt from liability for failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if such failure is caused by force majeure, including actions or inactions of government authorities, changes in legislation, sanctions, embargoes, natural disasters, fires, floods, major accidents, or other circumstances attributable to beyond the control of and occurring outside the control of Oris Lab and which Oris Lab could not have foreseen and/or avoided by acting reasonably and with due care. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Oris Lab is not liable for any loss or damage caused by violation or unauthorized use of the User Profile in the Safina mobile Application, as well as for indirect losses, such as lost profits or other consequential damage in connection with the User's use of the Application .

7. Responsibility of the parties

7.1. In case of violation of the terms of this Agreement, resulting in harm to all or one of the parties to the Agreement, the guilty party shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7.2. Oris Lab is not responsible for technical temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of the Application and its components that arise for reasons beyond its control or in the event of scheduled or unscheduled maintenance activities for the Application and its components.
7.3. Oris Lab is not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of communication lines, other similar failures, as well as for malfunctions of the Device from which the User accesses the Application and its services.
7.4. Oris Lab is not responsible to the User for the actions of other Users or any other participants in the Application.
7.5. Oris Lab is not liable for any direct, indirect damage, including lost profits, damages from use, loss of data or any other intangible losses, damage to reputation or other damage arising from:
1) use or inability to use the Application and its services by Users;
2) changes to the terms of the Oris Lab Agreement.

8. Duration and termination of the Agreement

8.1. Validity. This Agreement begins on the date you accept it (as described in the preamble above) and continues while you use the Application unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.
8.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you hereby acknowledge and agree that this agreement will become effective upon the occurrence of the first of (a) the day on which you first used the Application or (b) the day on which you accepted this Agreement, which shall remain in effect, while you use the Application, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.
8.3. Termination on your part. If you wish to terminate this Agreement, you may do so by simply deleting the Application from your mobile device.
8.4. Consequences of termination. Termination of this Agreement requires you to uninstall the Application and cease using it entirely. All provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers and limitations of liability.
8.5. This Application is intended for use in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Oris Lab makes no representation that the Application will operate in other countries.

9. Other provisions

9.1. All possible disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
9.2. Inaction on the part of Oris Lab in the event of a violation by any of the Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive Oris Lab of the right to later take appropriate actions to protect its interests and protect property and non-property rights to the materials of the Application protected in accordance with the law.
9.3. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from Oris Lab or through the App shall create any warranty.
9.4. Questions, complaints, claims. For any questions regarding the Application, you can contact us by writing to